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What is Bioesthetic Dentistry?

May 19, 2021

The last time you went to the dentist, did you ask them what bioesthetic dentistry is? This variation of dentistry focuses on perfection. If you want the best teeth possible, visit an expert dentist in Denver by reaching out to Makowski Dental. 

A dentist in denver pointing at a dental x ray

History of Bioesthetic Dentistry

Bioesthetic dentistry is a relatively new dental philosophy, dating back as recently as the 1990s. Dr. Lee co-founded The Lee Institute for Oral Bioesthetics and Function with his wife Arlene in  1990. Since then, it has become a staple in dentistry as more and more dentists embrace Dr. Lee’s teachings. 

The bioesthetic dentistry process accepts prime biologic form as the starting point for diagnosis and treatment plan coordination. Dr. Lee based his ideology on what he suggests are “perfect” dentitions. By understanding what makes a pair of dentitions perfect, you can treat them more sustainably when they wear down. 

Bioesthetic Dentistry Must-Knows

Bioesthetic dentists need to be very knowledgeable of human biology to perform the level of care they offer. Every bioesthetic dentist must know these three rules:

  • The condyles should be positioned centrally, with the teeth in, or very close to, maximum interdental occlusion.
  • The incisors and canines have proper form and length to provide protective guidance while maintaining separation of the rear teeth during occlusion.
  • The natural anatomy of the rear teeth allows interocclusal contacts, creating posterior tooth guidance during occlusion, and enhances chewing efficiency.

These rules are the key to perfect teeth, as discovered by Dr. Lee. These three points describe a mouth opening and closing quickly and efficiently without straining any muscles or teeth grinding. Perfectly functioning teeth are possible and achievable through consultation with trained bioesthetic dentists well-versed in the masticatory system. 

What is the Masticatory System?

While it sounds like the name of a faraway galaxy, the masticatory system is dental jargon for the chewing system – aka the mouth. The primary functions of the masticatory system are speech, chewing, and swallowing. This involves many muscles, bones, and tissues that the dentist will have committed to memory. 

By understanding all the muscles, bones, and tissues in a harmonic state, you’ll be able to diagnose ailments sooner. In addition to that, your solution is crafted with full knowledge of what caused it, what could happen, and how to both correct and prevent further damage of the same nature.

This is revolutionary. These dentists look at a mouth and see it as one working unit instead of a collection of pieces. It’s a different state of mind, which is another way that bioesthetics differs from other dental care.

Most dental work consists of a quick fix to a problem, not a long-term solution. Bioesthetics is an altogether different dental provider; the care is genuinely well above and beyond regular dental offices. Targeted preventative care is always a far better solution than quick fixes that don’t address the root of the matter. 

What Does Bioesthetic Dental Care Look Like?

This bioesthetic dental care follows three simple steps. However simple, these specialists are immensely knowledgeable in their field. The three steps they follow are:

1. Classification of conditions

2. Theories of etiology

3. Treat the condition (restore harmony)

To do this, bioesthetic dentists usually conduct x-ray exams of jaw joints, facial bones, cervical vertebrae, sinuses/airways. After completion, they then photograph the teeth, face, and smile. Lastly, they check jaw alignment with special instruments. The process enables them to determine if the patient’s jaw is aligned correctly and fix any chewing discontent discovered. 

Your dental blueprints on file can then be compared to ideal specimens to see how yours stacks up. The care you will receive will be customized exclusively once the doctor finishes a thorough examination. All of the pictures and x-rays will be studied to craft a tailored procedure plan for your particular needs. 

What Are Some Bioesthetic Procedures?

Various types of procedures fall under bioesthetic dental. In many cases, the first step is the implementation of a temporary splint. A temporary splint is used to train a patient’s mouth to properly open and close, eventually achieving bite perfection. These splints typically stay inserted for upwards of four months, while some finish after just two. 

Once the stabilization process is complete, the biting surfaces get reshaped to ensure the mouth continues to open and shut correctly and relapse to pre-procedural functionality. Our trained team uses crowns, braces, and veneers are used to achieve the desired outcome. 

Extreme Cases May Require Surgery

In the most extreme of cases, the jaw itself gets operated on in what’s known as jaw repositioning surgery. The jawbones can be moved around until perfect harmony of the masticatory system is achieved. This means that the jawbones will realign, allowing for a better bite. 

In addition to repositioning the bones, the upper or lower jawbone can either be truncated or elongated. So, depending on where the issue is, the jaw and mouth can exit the operation looking distinctly different. This also means that your particular need may be performed for the very first time.

You can probably guess that it’s a very complicated, complex, and intricate surgery by how it sounds. Since a lot is involved in the surgery, it typically takes a highly skilled team to complete or provide critical insight. The possible people included are your orthodontist, oral surgeon, general dentist, periodontist, and endodontist. 

What are Periodontists and Endodontists?

A periodontist is a specialist that treats ailments with your gums and mouth bones. These particular doctors could provide invaluable input and could be helpful for you to contact if you need this procedure. 

An endodontist has two additional years of education that a regular dentist lacks. These two years are devoted to saving teeth. 

Closeup of a smiling patient after visiting a dentist in denver

Looking for a Quality Dentist in Denver?

Look no further than Makowski dental for all of your dental needs. Whether it’s a simple check-up or you need your jaw repositioned, let us take care of you. Bioesthetics permeates everything that we do. If your smile is less than perfect, our experienced staff can change it for the better!

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