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The Do's and Don'ts After a Teeth Cleaning

May 10, 2024

Just had a teeth cleaning in Denver? Or maybe you're scheduled for one soon? Either way, knowing what you do after leaving the dentist's office is just as crucial for keeping your smile bright and healthy as possible.

Let's guide you through the essential do's and don'ts after your professional teeth cleaning in Denver. We’re talking about proven tips to help you maintain the best results from your dental care routine.  

So, let's dive in and explore the different ways to protect your newly polished pearly whites!

man flossing after professional teeth cleaning denver (2)

The Do's After Teeth Cleaning

Now that your teeth are sparkling clean, you'll want to keep that fresh feeling going as long as possible, right? Here’s how you can protect and prolong those pristine pearly whites after getting your professional teeth cleaning in Denver:

1. Hydrate with Water

First things first, give your mouth a mini-shower by drinking plenty of water. It keeps you hydrated while helping wash away any leftover bits and pieces that might have been missed during the cleaning. It’s a fast and simple way to help your saliva fight off bacteria and keep your mouth balanced.

2. Follow Oral Hygiene Practices

Just because you’ve had your teeth meticulously cleaned by a trained specialist doesn’t mean you’re free to ditch your toothbrush and floss. It might be tempting to think your teeth are so clean you don’t need to brush tonight, but you’ll still need to stick to your regular oral hygiene routine.  

If your mouth feels a little tender from the cleaning, you may give it a couple of hours before you brush again. As long as you don’t skip the nighttime routine, you’ll be fine. Use a soft toothbrush to keep things gentle on your gums.

3. Go for a Teeth-Friendly Diet

Your teeth might be a bit sensitive after your teeth cleaning, so it’s best to avoid shocking them with anything too extreme. Opt for foods that are easy on your pearly whites, such as smoothies, yogurt, and soups. That way, you won’t have to worry about irritating any sensitive spots.  

As soon as you notice feelings of ease, you can start reintroducing other foods slowly. But maybe save the popcorn and sticky candy for a few days later. Besides, you wouldn’t wanna risk yourself, would you?

4. Monitor Teeth Sensitivity

Speaking of sensitivity, it’s totally normal to feel a little zing here and there after a cleaning, especially if you had some tartar buildup removed. If it feels like too much, grab a toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth. They’re perfect for easing discomfort and can make your transition back to your regular diet smoother.

The Don'ts After Teeth Cleaning

Now, let’s talk about the no-no’s of post-cleaning routine. Avoiding a few key things can really make a difference in keeping those teeth pristine and your gums happy. Here's what to dodge:

1. Avoid Staining Foods and Beverages

Love your coffee in the morning? Or maybe a glass of red wine at dinner? Hold off for just a day or two. Why? Well, right after a professional teeth cleaning, your teeth are like a clean white t-shirt at a spaghetti dinner – they'll catch every stain they can, ruining that dazzling effect in just a snap.  

Stick to clear or light-colored drinks and foods to keep your smile bright and shiny. Trust us: saying “no” to your favorite stain-causing snacks and beverages for a while will help give your teeth the glow-up you’ve been dreaming of.  

2. Don’t Smoke

This one’s a biggie. If you smoke, try to at least take a little break following your teeth cleaning. Smoking can stain your teeth and irritate your gums, messing with the healing process. Giving it a rest for a day or two can make a big difference in how well your gums heal, especially if you’ve had some deep cleaning done.

3. Skip the Alcohol

Just like with smoking, alcohol can be a bit harsh on your newly cleaned set of teeth, particularly if you've had fluoride treatments. Alcohol is known to mess with the effectiveness of fluoride, reducing its tooth-strengthening powers.  

So, consider switching to non-alcoholic drinks for a night or two; it’s a small change that can have huge benefits for your dental health.

4. Never Ignore Pain

While you can expect a little sensitivity, you shouldn't be in real pain. However, if you find yourself reaching for the painkillers or if the discomfort isn’t going away after a couple of days, don’t just sit on it.  

Give your dentist a call. It’s always better to get it checked out sooner rather than later, making sure everything’s healing just as it should.

Wrapping It Up

Keeping that post-cleaning glow isn't rocket science. Just be gentle with your teeth, steer clear of anything too extreme (like scorching hot coffee or icy cold drinks), and show your chompers some love. And these handy tips aren’t just for the Denver crowd – they're for anyone looking to keep their smile in tip-top shape.

Stick with these simple steps, and you’ll keep that dentist-fresh feel alive while looking out for your teeth's future. Here's to rocking a healthy, confident smile that lights up the room no matter where you flash it!

ongoing teeth cleaning in denver

Need Top-Notch Teeth Cleaning in Denver?

Alright, you’re all set with the do's and don'ts to keep your smile shining after a teeth cleaning. Remember, the real secret to a lasting, healthy smile is regular professional care.  

So, when you’re thinking about your next teeth cleaning in Denver, why not go with the pros at Makowski Dental? We’re all about keeping your grin in great shape with a friendly touch. Swing by and let us take care of your oral health.

Choose Makowski Dental for your next cleaning, and let's keep that smile of yours looking its absolute best. Get in touch with us now!

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